What's a frediculous idea?

If you would like to submit a frediculous idea then e-mail a description of your idea, 180 words or less, and an image, photo, drawing etc. to greenectar@gmail.com. The top 2 ideas of every month will get any "Design By Humans" T-shirt they want. This is going to be fun!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Scribble Game

This morning the Barista at VERITE coffee, in Ballard, was having fun making the foam in my coffee look like animals, aliens and then some type of octopus-baby chick mutant.  I told her that what she was doing was like playing the scribble game, but with my coffee's foam.  You know the scribble game?  You scribble anything, usually on a napkin at a restaurant, then you pass it to someone and they have to make something out of the scribble. Usually you will see parents playing it with their kids at restaurants while they wait for their food.  It works great.  The Barista said it reminded her of the story game.  You know the story game?  One person writes the first line of the story then passes it to the person on their right and the next person writes the second line of the story then they fold the paper over so the next person can only see the second line.  They pass the paper to the next person who continues the story by writing one more sentence using only the sentence before to help them.  You continue folding and passing the paper around till you get about a ten sentence story.  Then you read the story. It is usually very funny and sometimes extremely creative.  I was thinking it would be fun to do the scribble game and the story game on Facebook or create an app for this.  Any ideas?


  1. I will play this game. Only as an app though. . . I do not like to use pencils anymore. . . I would explain why, but I don't feel comfortable pouring my heart out using a computer keyboard. Frankly, the keyboard is getting pretty close to ending up where the pencils also end up in my life. . .

  2. I will invite you to play soon. I think this will be fun!
