What's a frediculous idea?

If you would like to submit a frediculous idea then e-mail a description of your idea, 180 words or less, and an image, photo, drawing etc. to greenectar@gmail.com. The top 2 ideas of every month will get any "Design By Humans" T-shirt they want. This is going to be fun!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Scribble Game

This morning the Barista at VERITE coffee, in Ballard, was having fun making the foam in my coffee look like animals, aliens and then some type of octopus-baby chick mutant.  I told her that what she was doing was like playing the scribble game, but with my coffee's foam.  You know the scribble game?  You scribble anything, usually on a napkin at a restaurant, then you pass it to someone and they have to make something out of the scribble. Usually you will see parents playing it with their kids at restaurants while they wait for their food.  It works great.  The Barista said it reminded her of the story game.  You know the story game?  One person writes the first line of the story then passes it to the person on their right and the next person writes the second line of the story then they fold the paper over so the next person can only see the second line.  They pass the paper to the next person who continues the story by writing one more sentence using only the sentence before to help them.  You continue folding and passing the paper around till you get about a ten sentence story.  Then you read the story. It is usually very funny and sometimes extremely creative.  I was thinking it would be fun to do the scribble game and the story game on Facebook or create an app for this.  Any ideas?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Tattoo Moves

Had a dream last week that I invented a tattoo that slowly moved all over your body.  So if you got a tattoo on your wrist in the morning, it could end up on your shoulder by nightfall.  Wouldn’t it be cool if you could drag your tattoo anywhere on your body you wanted it to be.  Going to your parent’s house? Hide it on your butt.  Going out with friends? Drag it to your wrist.  You get the idea.  In my dream I was out of my mind excited because I knew that this idea was going to make me rich! Then I woke up!  You have any other tattoo ideas?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thinking About Peanut Butter

I was thinking about peanut butter this morning, specifically about the problem of getting peanut butter on your knuckles when you get to the bottom of the jar.  It's not just just frustrating, it can also be a bit wasteful. Who really wants to dig to the bottom of the jar to get the last ounce of peanut butter.  Give it to the dog and have some fun watching him figure it out.  So I thought "why don't they just put peanut butter in a tube, like tooth paste or like jelly that they now put in a tube".  I googled it and guess what? Skippy already thought of this and made the Skippy Squeeze It! Good work Skippy! You win this round!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Coffee With Alex

Nothing better than sitting down with a friend and talking about ideas.  Random, unedited, stupid ideas.  Ideas that freely flow out of that weird part of the brain that births dreams and total non-sense thinking.  You know what I am talking about. Here are a few words and phrases that came out of our conversation;

Curiosity and Play, Idea Playground, Springboard to Other Ideas, Find your Place of Fierce Creativity, Let Yourself Create Fiercely, I am going to give you an opportunity to flex your creative muscle, Vast body of Gobbledy Goop, Ironic Hyperlinking, Culture Jamming.

I love Alex's mind!