What's a frediculous idea?

If you would like to submit a frediculous idea then e-mail a description of your idea, 180 words or less, and an image, photo, drawing etc. to greenectar@gmail.com. The top 2 ideas of every month will get any "Design By Humans" T-shirt they want. This is going to be fun!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cotton Candy on Your Head!

Have you ever watched a game on TV and just as your favorite player on your favorite team makes a crucial basket you get distracted by a guy wearing a rainbow wig and a Believe in Christ T-shirt and before you know it you missed the play and are instead thinking about that guy?  Here is my idea.  Why not make that wig out of cotton candy and sell them at events.  Think about it.  Your hands are free, you take the attention off the goofy looking guy in the photo to the left and you and everyone around you gets one of the greatest treats ever.  WIN, WIN, WIN, YUMM! Can you make this idea better?